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Company's profile

Το εργοστάσιο Han S.A. comprise historical continuation of V. Chandrinos & Sons Co., which established by Vasilios Chandrinos at the year 1989 in Athens. Our main features are flexibility, competitiveness  and consistency on our high quality standards when all our efforts aim towards the gratification of our customers in all levels. For over thirty years we keep on growing and manage to expand our productivity.

Right in the middle of our manufacturing and trading activities is "non woven", a unique material with wide spectrum of applications in the modern world. For consecutive years this technical non fabric  proves its multidimensional character and its really huge dynamic. An advanced technology product and environmental friendly, the "non woven" offers qualitative and cost effective suggestions to human works and needs including manufactures, insulations, beauty care and personal hygiene, agricultural cultivation, personal protection, figurative interventions and fashion design. 
Our company was born and functioned initially in our privately-owned facilities of 1500 square metres in Athens and Peristeri. In very short time though, we had the pleasure of enjoying the wide acceptance of Greek market. This consequence was not accidentally but the result of our progressive increase of sales. With the byway of years, the need for new equipment, bigger facilities and increase in human resources was more than visible. In September 2005 we moved to our new ultramodern privately-owned building in the area of Avlida, on the 68th kilometre of the National Road Athens-Lamia, where we continue doing and offering our best.
Han S.A. today, is fully equipped with modern machinery, specialised personnel and allocates conveyance for the safe transport of its products, sufficient production facilities, as well as even organisation.
It's the basic medical disposable supplier of major Private Hospitals and Medical Groups of Greece and allocates an appreciable network of sales in tradesmen and professionals of the below reported items of activity, in entire the Hellenic space.
In the duration time of the 30 years of its life, Han developed in the  non woven raw material trade for several markets such as (hygiene, mattresses manufacture, furniture, packing, promotion), as in the production and the disposal of its applications. Characteristically we refer to the production of disposable articles 
for medical use (doctors, nursing personnel, patients and visitors),
for beauty care and cosmetics (personnel and customers),
for restaurants and caterings,
for flower shops etc.
At the same time it extended progressively the range of its merchandise, with exclusive imports from all around the world, adding this way a variety of choices to its collaborators.
Han suppliers of raw materials and ready products belong among the best certified industrial units worldwide.  
Recently in the above group a new firm was added. An additional and exceptional collaboration by which Han S.A., became the exclusive distributor of the German Company BOSCH & SOHN (boso) products to the Greek Hospitals, Diagnostic Centres and Clinics, Doctors and private individuals. Among those products are included precise and qualitative diagnosis devices, analogical and digital sphygmomanometers, thermometers, scales, stethoscopes, etc.

Below there are some additional photos of our facilities, warehouses and production areas



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